Amazing sifting & sorting into Years > Months > Events
Wow - An app that automatically catalogs the way I manually organize!
Simply: Drag a folder or drive full of images into the input. Drag a new folder on where you want the images copied and sorted to and let it go to town. Basically the app copies the images - leaving the originals untouched. It deduplicates images and copies the images to the new location with the sub folders of YEARS, folowed by Months inside each year, and then Events if you have a lot of photos taken on a specific date.
If you have to sort through a ton of photos taken by digital cameras then this is a god send! Just make sure your destination has enough space.
Feature requests - Look at the app Perfect Rename and allow folder and file customization at that level. Have preference option for allowing the month names to also include the year info (i.e. 2010 folder > 01 - March - 2010 > Event
Riptide360 about
Silent Sifter